Exploring, experimenting & and sharing all things edTech to improve teaching and learning

Category: Projects & Presentations

Math IS Life…

When has a teacher not heard the phrase “When am I ever going to use this?” from his/her students?  Students inherently need to make the connection of what they are learning to their real lives. If they can see the connection, they will take more of an interest in what they are learning.

That’s the premise behind our HP Catalyst Initiative project: Business Math @Conestoga: Math is Everyone’s Business!

After all, Math IS everyone’s business! It’s all around us and we use it everyday. Even if we aren’t explicitly using math, we are using the skills that learning math teaches us.

As a Business Math teacher, I am able to find examples that show students where the math they learn is used in real life business applications.  Through our HP Project, we are striving to make the links stronger through connections with local Entrepreneurs who share how they use Math in their businesses.

For high school teachers, it can be difficult to make the connection to real world use for some of the math that is taught in school. This is especially true when the student is not moving on to a college or university program that relates to math directly. I recently found an link on twitter to an article that talks about the life lessons that Math teaches us. You can find the article here.  Next time you are struggling to find a concrete example of how students would use the math your teaching in their lives — connect it to some of the examples in this article.

Dyknow EdTech Cool Tools Webinar

I recently did a webinar on some of the cool EdTech tools I use with my students to help them succeed in my class.

Here’s the Prezi I used in the webinar.

Back to School EdTech Series: Cool Tools to Connect with Students (Part 2)

Once again, the people at Dyknow thought I had something interesting to say about some of the things I do in my classroom (in this case – outside my classroom).  Here’s the link to the Blog post:



Cool Tools to Connect With Students Webinar

Wednesday, October 17, 2012 @ 3:30pm EDT

In my classroom, I feel that making a connection to students outside of class time is as important as it is to connect in the classroom. Students can be engaged in the classroom, but often they leave and don’t follow through.

Through my involvement with the HP Catalyst Project: Business Math @Conestoga, I have had the opportunity to explore a number of Edtech solutions for connecting with my students.

The webinar is FREE  and I will discuss some of the uses I have found for the following:

  • DyKnow Vision
  • Show Me
  • Explain Everything
  • Remind 101
  • And more…

Register for this free event here: http://info.dyknow.com/CoolToolstoConnectWithStudents_RegisterNow.html


Guest Blog Post – Cool Tools I Use!

As part of my HP Catalyst Project: Business Math @Conestoga, I’ve spend the last year trying out different tools to help me better connect with my students.

Check out my first of a two part series blog post that I wrote for the folks over a Dyknow that describes some of the Tools I’ve been using with my class.


Part 2 comes out next week.


Business Math @Conestoga Project – Using Tablets in the Math Classroom

I did a presentation at Conestoga’s E3 Conference – June 20, 2012 on the HP Catalyst Project: Business Math @Conestoga Project: Math is Everyone’s Business.

I shared information about the project, what we’ve accomplished over the past year and where we are going for Year 2.

I also demonstrated many of the features of the Dyknow software that we use in the classroom.

Here’s a PDF of the Presentation: E3 Presentation

Advancing Learning 2012 Conference Presentation

Engaging Students Inside and Outside the Classroom

Here’s the link to my Prezi that has

  • all the links for the tools I talked about as well as
  • links to the HP Catalyst Project: Business Math @Conestoga: Math is everyone’s business!

You will find it here:


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